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About us

Uplifting Society's Vulnerable and Disadvantaged.

Saved By Grace Foundation is a charitable non-profit organisation set up to provide support and educate vulnerable and disadvantaged persons who have issues such as, lack of knowledge to obtain relevant information to approach the right agencies for support, abuse, family problems, homelessness, immigration, legal issues, and social support within the UK. We signpost and make referrals directing our service users to the right agencies to get help. We help our beneficiaries to build confidence in themselves to speak up and seek help. Our charity is run by trustees who are highly qualified professionals helping in creating awareness to help and support our beneficiaries.

Our Projects for Charity.

Education and vocational training are our charitable services in Nigeria.
To help our beneficiaries maximize their potential and have control over their own lives, and to develop skills and knowledge for secure employment.


For the poor and Less privileged: We have 15 young persons we are sponsoring in schools and through vocational training.


Supporting the education and skill development of underprivileged youth through comprehensive sponsorship programs.


New boreholes to household Providing sustainable and reliable water sources by constructing boreholes in underserved communities.


Barr. Lois Hembadoon Adura

At the heart of the Saved By Grace Foundation is our esteemed founder, Barr. Mrs. Lois Hembadoon Adura, a figure synonymous with resilience, compassion, and unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes. As a UK-trained legal professional, author, and passionate advocate for girl child education, her journey reflects a life dedicated to uplifting the less privileged and advocating for the vulnerable. Mrs. Adura’s story is one of determination and triumph over adversity. Born to peasant farmers in Benue State, Nigeria, and facing early challenges including the loss of her father, she embarked on a path fueled by a deep-rooted desire to make a difference.

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A Glimpse into the Bright Futures of Our Beneficiaries

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An effort made for the happiness of others lifes us above ourselves.

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